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ماكينات المصنع

الوقت: 2024-07-22 المشاهدات: 0


- Torque:
*GSD high-torque twin-screw extruders: With higher torque, usually achieved through a more robust gearbox and motor. This allows higher viscosity materials to be processed and higher yields achieved.
*GS twin-screw extruder: low torque, suitable for processing medium and low viscosity materials, relatively low output and processing capacity.

- Screw design:
*GSD high-torque twin-screw extruders: The screw design is more complex, can withstand greater shear forces and pressures, and generally has a higher length-to-diameter ratio (L/D).
*GS twin screw extruder: The screw design is relatively simple, the length to diameter ratio is moderate, suitable for the general mixing and melting process.

- Motor power and gearbox:
*GSD high-torque twin-screw extruders: Equipped with a more powerful motor and a stronger gearbox, they provide the necessary high torque and processing capacity.
*GS twin-screw extruders: With a more conventional motor power and gearbox design, suitable for medium loads and typical machining requirements.

- heating and cooling systems:
*GSD High-torque twin-screw extruders: More efficient heating and cooling systems are needed to manage the increased heat generated by high-torque operations.
*GS twin-screw extruders: The heating and cooling system is relatively simple and designed to handle a typical processing temperature range.

- مجال التطبيق:
*GSD high torque twin screw extruder: suitable for processing high viscosity materials, high filling materials, 
engineering plastics, rubber and so on. Widely used in the mixture of high performance material, padding and modification.
*GS twin-screw extruder: Suitable for traditional plastic processing, such as PP, PE, etc., usually used in 
applications with low performance requirements.

- equipment costs:
* GSD with high torque twin screw extruder, due to the design and manufacture of the demand is higher, the cost is relatively high.
*GS twin-screw extruders: Low cost, suitable for budget applications with low performance requirements.

- Production efficiency and energy consumption:
*GSD high-torque twin-screw extruders: High production efficiency, but also relatively high energy consumption.
*GS twin-screw extruder: moderate production efficiency and energy consumption.

السابق: إن جهاز بثق خيوط الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد هو جهاز يحول المواد الخام البلاستيكية (عادةً في شكل حبيبات) إلى خيوط مناسبة للاستخدام بواسطة الطابعات ثلاثية الأبعاد. تتضمن العملية تسخين البلاستيك حتى يذوب، ثم بثقه من خلال فوهة لتشكيل

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